Clipshow #2: How to Spot a Tyrannical Takeover Ahead of Time
The Inchworm Effect is a tried-and-true method utilised by social engineers to incrementally ease a population into a particular way of being.
The Chuck Hagen Ratio #2: The Ten-Step Tiptoe to Technocratic Tyranny
As the centuries-old elitist dream of total control nears its conclusion, an increasingly aware populace scramble to understand the current climate and its ramifications.
Clipshow #1: The Democratic Illusion is an Egregious Scam
Often misinterpreted as a fair and just system, the democratic system has proven as detrimental to personal sovereignty as it is suffocating to free prosperity.
The Chuck Hagen Ratio #1: The Great Democratic Illusion
Perhaps the most ingenious scam perpetrated unto mankind, the illusion of democratic freedom is as oppressive as it is reflective.