The Chuck Hagen Ratio #2: The Ten-Step Tiptoe to Technocratic Tyranny


As the centuries-old elitist dream of total control nears its conclusion, an increasingly aware populace scramble to understand the current climate and its ramifications.


The Inchworm Effect is a tried-and-true method utilised by social engineers to incrementally ease a population into a particular way of being. In this episode of The Chuck Hagen Ratio I attempt to explain the ten key steps successfully used throughout history to transition nations from democracies to tyrannical dictatorships.

These ten steps are:

  • Create a terrifying threat

  • Create a gulag

  • Develop a thug caste

  • Set up an internal surveillance system

  • Harass citizens’ groups

  • Engage in arbitrary detention and release

  • Target key individuals

  • Control the press

  • Dissent equals treason

  • Suspend the rule of law

The core aim of this episode is to explain how the incremental steps to tyranny function, how they can rapidly erode society, and how the sovereign citizen can detect and evade the tyrannical creep and its ramifications.

I hope you enjoy the episode, and if you do, please don’t forget to subscribe via the sign up button in the header.

© Chuck Hagen


Clipshow #2: How to Spot a Tyrannical Takeover Ahead of Time


Clipshow #1: The Democratic Illusion is an Egregious Scam