Enlightenment to Gaslightenment: Solar Effect on Human Psychology


Today, the bending of reality requires minimal energy, displaying that in our current stasis of worshipping the easy path, the tyrannical prosper in the most flagrant of manners.


One pertinent component of ignored reality is the substantial energetic shift occurring on Earth due to the current phase of the solar cycle. As the planet’s magnetic field is continually attracting dense clouds of highly-charged energetic particles—thus altering the frequency (megahertz) and vibration (gravitational constant) of the ionosphere—our DNA and consciousness are adversely affected. The irony in this regard is cruel; as reality renders us disordered with negative energy, our perception of said reality is skewed at best, abstracted at worst.

During the Age of Enlightenment (1637-1789) ionospheric geomagnetic activity generally operated on a weakened scale due to Earth’s galactic locale in the solar cycle. And whilst correlation is not causation, it is interesting to note that a significant solar eclipse did occur on 26/1/1637, the very date that philosopher Rene Descartes’ Method in Discourse was published, declaring the commencement of the Enlightenment era. It is here that the self-realisation of influence on reality was founded.

It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived.

Whilst a universal truth may exist within the collective consciousness, societal reality (an inherent fabrication) does not encompass the truth of the individual. This, in the eyes of the tyrant, renders the individual the perfect scapegoat. Depict enough individuals as dissident in their perception of reality, and a sacrificial lamb in the form of a schismatic faction is aggregated. Once a faction is highlighted to a majority as enemy of the state, cultural division ensues, violence erupts, and regardless of tribal leanings, the populace becomes putty in the hands of a tyrannical few. Divide. Conquer. Amid an era of cultural coercion, Descartes’ catchphrase, “I think therefore I am”, is as redundant as reality itself.

Out of the grasp of individual control, the tyrannical coercion we are currently experiencing has characterised mountains as pebbles, oceans as puddles. Such machination can only be as effective as the sum of its parts, namely the engine that is the left versus right political paradigm. Deriving from the 1789 French National Assembly in which supporters of King Louis XVI sat on the right of chambers, while Jacobin revolutionaries sat on the left, the paradigm wasn’t mass-adopted in Anglo-American society until the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Perhaps coincidence, the commencement of the French Revolution coincided with the demise of the Age of Enlightenment, while the implementation of the Central Banking System occurred in the same period that the cloaking of objectivity through yellow journalism pervaded mainstream society. Intent aside, it is the era between these two major events that has directly contributed to the polarisation of realities, and the eradication of middle ground in the twenty-first century.



Prior to the French Revolution’s deconstruction of reason, the Age of Enlightenment developed a catalogue of ideas worthy of ascendency. Dominating the world of discourse in 17th and 18th century Europe, this philosophical movement nurtured unity amid antithesis, as opposing factions (the radical advocated democracy, individual liberty, freedom of expression, and eradication of religious authority, while the moderate sought accommodation between reform and the traditional systems of power and faith) decreed the delivery of truth as integral, and the frontier dividing thought and reality as nuanced.

Coinciding within an epoch of minimal solar flare, the Age of Enlightenment cultivated a scientific revolution, lending credence to an oft-forgotten Socratic method, where question and reason paves the way for critical thought, scientific systems, and the peaceful challenging of convention. Along with a marked increase in literacy across Europe, two core ideas sprouted from this philosophy; the concept of liberty and religious tolerance. This idea seeded from the notion that the power of religious organisations should be reduced by allowing people to worship as they pleased. Consequently, basic human rights were installed, and the populace was freed from the shackle of spiritual repression.

During this era, intellectuals such as Descartes, Isaac Newton, John Locke, Goethe, Voltaire, Thomas Hobbs, and even Thomas Jefferson were significant in the proliferation of ideas through solid reasoning, with Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689) and Newton’s Principia Mathematica (1686) crucial in the advancement of the scientific revolution.

Another aspect of the Enlightenment was Absolutism, a concept which promotes legal, educational, and social reforms led by benevolent despotism. Guiding western Europe out of an age of religious oppression, educational stiffness, and social coercion, integral reformers Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, and Leopold II instilled in their citizenry a tolerance that in modern times is known as Classical Liberalism. However, as man’s ambition to reign endures, when good calls for tolerance, evil ascends, rebranding tolerance as compliance.

The question we must ask is why? Why does the societal swing between good and evil emerge so violently? Why, amid periods of peace and reason do portions of society disregard fact, preferring to act on emotion? Why the polarisation? One could argue that the peppering of covert incrementalism, designed to obliterate common ground, is the key factor in this regard. Alternatively, an even more intangible factor prevails—the pernicious distribution of solar-driven particles affecting our behaviour on a precessional timescale.



One of the best known prophecies/predictions of our Mayan elders is the message of a changing paradigm of our era. In the words of the Maya, it is said that we are now in a time of change and conflict.

Solar flares and photon waves can alter the fabric of reality on a person-to-person basis. Transmitted electromagnetically towards Earth, photonic by-product in the form of highly charged energetic particles cluster in the ionosphere (the ionised sector of the upper atmosphere) where they convert to frequency and distribute across the skies. In the case of heightened electromagnetic activity, individual reality is dramatically altered, causing a detachment from universal consciousness. Numerous studies have shown a direct connection exists between solar storms and human biology.

Regarding the change and conflict proffered in the Mayan Popol Vuh, the change refers to an external force—the inevitable cycle of catastrophe propagated by man-made trauma at the behest of celestial disturbance (solar flare), while the conflict refers to the internal force that encourages one to contemplate the struggle between truth and falsehood. As the continuum insists humanity finds itself at a crossroads on a cyclical basis, new paths are chosen to either ensure our survival, or our demise. This venture into the unknown can prove confrontational, especially during times of energetic instability.

The conduit responsible for expediting particles from the sun, to the ionosphere, and ultimately to human biology, also directs weather through both Earth’s magnetic field and the individual. Solar geomagnetic activity can have a profound influence on human consciousness, altering thought trajectory on a whim via alternating frequencies. As a result, the central nervous system is affected, causing wild variations in brain activity, equilibrium, behaviour, and mental responses. Anxiety, nervousness, dizziness, irritability, lethargy, heart palpitations and short-term memory loss are symptoms commonly reported during times of heightened solar activity.

Also wreaking havoc with technology, recent solar activity has caused the spacetime continuum to wobble erratically, resulting in brain fog en masse, a lessened ability to communicate succinctly, a loosened grip on time and reality, and a disturbance in our circadian rhythms. Bipolar action becomes optimised in such times, creating huge spikes in energy and creativity, followed by monumental crashes. The collective ungrounding witnessed across the planet in recent years showcases the impeding power of grand-scale solar flare machination, as grief replaces joy, and the collective consciousness crumbles.

As Earth is a quagmire of frequency and vibration, as is the brain’s neural processor, humanity finds itself tightly woven in the energetic matrix. Addictive and hypnotising, electronic frequencies governed by solar activity disrupt the energy field and possess the ability to stronghold a negative mindset into lockstep with the alteration of our atomic makeup. As each atom in the body contains an electron, and as each electron understands the precise location of all other electrons, we are interwoven within one collective consciousness. However, due to planetary coercion via a grid of discordant frequency, we no longer possess the knowledge, nor the clarity, required to reassemble our genetic construct towards the path to enlightenment.

But help is available, albeit, largely unnoticed. One positive aspect of our current condition is that a growing number of humans are awakening, thanks to regular jolts of absurd external behaviours, and high-level support from the consciousness of the cosmos. Once the individual is awoken, a cohesion field is created through energy fields of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation. A symbiotic vibration with these coherent frequencies results in a minimisation of bombardment from the planetary electronic grid.



Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

Gaslighting (the psychological manipulation of an individual that causes the victim to question the validity of their own reality) has undergone a facelift. In an unprecedented climate where postmodernism is proliferated unto the psyche via government, corporation, and institution, those with free-thinking capabilities exist with the fear of self-expression. Governed at the boot of the squeaky wheel, society has succumbed to authoritarianism at the flick of a switch, suffocating under the zealous thumb of technocratic voyeurism with apparent elation. Individual will, the archenemy of the authoritarian, has two choices in a tyrannical setting such as this: either allow said will to prosper at the endangerment of social identity, or capitulate into the waiting arms of the overlord to the detriment of dignity. When the latter succeeds, it does so under the administration of four crucial steps:

  • reject modernism

  • destroy individualism

  • stifle free speech

  • enforce the cult of action for action’s sake.

Once the holy bastion of NAZI Germany, strategies against counterpoint utilise primetime doctrine as a decoy to play a role in public deception. Promptly, tolerance becomes the new intolerance, up turns to down, healthy debate becomes murderous, and the veil is lifted unleashing a progressive beast. Natural will is eradicated, definition is redefined, history is erased, and oppression prevails. Revolt, and stand the risk of societal excommunication.

Stunningly similar to Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, the current attack on western culture begets a purge on the remaining elements of capitalism clogging the socialist machine. As the tyrannical cycle hits top-dead-centre we witness history repeating, where old systems are flushed to advance a sinister agenda marketed as an altruistic reset. Ultimately, the globalist aim is to construct a bastion where only the elites prosper, society is struck into a 2-tier system, and where artificial intelligence weeds out dissent at the impulse of a partisan algorithm. Achieving such a society is formulaic, and as with the revolutions Jacobin, Bolshevik, and Cultural, gaslighting the citizenry by ambushing reality is the intensifier.


While there appears little doubt that our lives are governed by a self-serving elite cabal of technocratic globalists, it is incumbent upon ourselves to recognise the manipulation of the delay between thought and manifestation. As bronze-age tribalism is back in vogue, the concept of nuance a dying breed, we seek the influence conducting our own cognition, yearning for resolution. Afoot, nefarious man-made motives are in play, however, a connection between natural forces and cerebral activity may be drawn.

Observation of frequential cycle inimical to the cerebral cortex provide support to a theory known as layered time. Driven by heightened solar flare activity, layered time is an intangible formulation allowing one to retreat to the past to change an event. Once a new timeline is created it is built atop the layer already in existence. Both layers may coexist, however, the new layer shapes the future as it is associated with more energy and momentum. Eventually, a paradox is formed by a profusion of layers, and the mystical rewriting of history is complete. To draw a parallel in the tangible realm, the construction of city atop ancient city, or the teaching of alternative histories to advance an agenda, may be considered.

Conversely, a concurrent portion of the frequential cycle is its healing mechanism. Versions of such healing appear in biblical scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, and the aforementioned Popol Vuh, lending credence to the concept of time possessing a consciousness that permits natural forces to rectify prior atrocity. It is here where humanity fails in its potential—the potential to merge with the universe, the potential to access omniscient intelligence, the potential to recognise frequential change, its Luciferian effect on the cabal, and understand spiritual evolution provided by the cosmos. While natural events may reconcile the damage perpetrated by sinister force, only humanity can overcome the tyranny aroused by it.

Achieving such an outcome is challenging. The supersonic pitch of the smart phone, the laptop, or the television set, attuned to alter positive focus, subliminally manipulates users to the point of acquiescence. Images, words, and thoughts, planted into the subconscious, conveys rhetorical information designed to damage the mind and turn sovereigns to slaves. As entertainment is such a powerful medium for behavioural influence, the CIA (MK Ultra), FBI (COINTELPRO), the World Economic Forum (The Great Reset) and Chinese Communist Party (pioneers of the Social Credit System) covertly recruit popular athletes, musicians, and film stars to orate pre-written scripts in order to foment civil unrest and erode support for any dissenting narrative. With globals elites such as George Soros’ funding of district attorney candidates, Bill Gates buying off corporate media, private infrastructure, and vaccine manufacturers, and John Podesta leading simulations that inform worldwide crises, it is difficult to refute that humanity is being coerced into compliance as Earth is transformed into the ultimate slave planet. The gaslighting is real. Evil is in the air.

Downstream from technology, political gaslighting has forced mankind into dependence on a system that despises its subjects. This promotion of tolerance through intolerance is a linguistic trap designed to weed out dissenters and provoke distrust through disinformation. Individual sovereignty, a notion detrimental to authoritarianism, a dying breed, as those in charge jump though hoops to convince the populace of its freedom while incrementally quashing its liberty. Perhaps, a segregation of moral code is the only salute to peaceful resolution. Or, perhaps, the onus is on the individual. Remember, the construct of left versus right only exists due to the oxygen its constituents provide.

The present conundrum is something that will define planet Earth for the next three generations. It is incumbent upon the individual to comprehend mystery and obvious alike, lest he continue to authorise these crimes to continue. While evil does exist in the hearts and minds of the global elite, it is only permitted to rise and fall with the turning of natural forces. Understanding such machination and how to combat it will cause an awakening of the collective conscious, crunch the gears of global tyranny, and engineer humanity to ascension. Reality may only be rendered pliable through a willingness to nourish the soul.

Truth or consequence?

© Chuck Hagen


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